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Early Orthodontic

Early Treatment for Children

Life-long oral health starts in childhood – and at Fraser Valley Orthodontics we believe early orthodontic is integral in ensuring that your children get off to a great start.

Early Treatment for Children, Fraser Valley Orthodontics

Why Start Early?

There are a number of benefits for early orthodontic treatment with children. Many orthodontic problems are easier to correct if they are detected at an early age and your child's orthodontist will be the first to notice if there are any critical problems in the development of their mouth and jaw. 

Early treatment can offer these benefits, amongst others:

  • Reduces teeth grinding
  • Lowers risk of tooth decay
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces teeth grinding
  • Mitigates harmful oral habits, such as thumb sucking
  • Guides adult teeth development

The Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends that children should first visit an Orthodontist by the age 7.

Although some children may not require treatment until between the ages of 11 to 13, the first permanent molars and incisors have usually come in around age 7 and cross bites, crowding and other problems can be evaluated.

Learn About Invisalign First

  • It may seem counterintuitive to parents of young children to consult an orthodontist in the early years. But over and over again, we see problems that develop during the teen years and later that could have been mitigated by early treatment.
    - Dr. Michelle Couto, Orthodontist

What does early treatment entail?

Early orthodontic treatment can take many forms, based on the evidence we see when we examine a child's oral cavity and teeth.

Our orthodontist may prescribe a fixed or removable appliance – a device, such as a retainer, used to move teeth, change the position of the jaw, or hold teeth in place in order to bring about desirable changes.

Sometimes no appliances are necessary. Rather, removal of some baby teeth may help the permanent teeth erupt better. 

In more extreme cases, where problems are already evident, we may explore oral surgery options.

You can have peace of mind, though, that when you consult with us, your child's unique oral health will be reviewed by a team of experienced professionals who know what to look for and have years of success with early stage treatment.

Contact Us for More Information

Early Stage Orthodontic Treatment Can Help With:


Trouble with chewing and breathing

Late or early loss of baby teeth

Teeth that are crowded, loose, or impacted

Upper and lower teeth that do not meet correctly

Improper jaw alignment

Tongue thrusting

Cross bites

New Patients Always Welcome

If you're looking for an experienced orthodontist in Langley, you're in the right place. We look forward to meeting you!

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